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Presentation of the colloquium

Troubles in Transitions

This final symposium of IFRIS and LabEx SITES offers an opportunity to observe the evolution of the various research domains that have intersected since its inception. Given that IFRIS has, for 15 years, represented a major hub for research on science and innovation in society, this symposium aims to open the discussion on the future of this research domain.

Social and historical studies of science and technology have occupied a central place from the beginning and have significantly influenced the activities of IFRIS, even though numerous research efforts not necessarily aligned with Science and Technology Studies (STS) have also been present. Thus, we position this symposium midway between an inventory of the research conducted and an observatory of the shifts that have occurred, whether in terms of research objects, methods, or relations to the world.



Where and when?

Final Colloquium 
of IFRIS and LabEx SITES

6 - 7 - 8 November 2024

Université Paris Cité - Bâtiment Buffon

(Grand Moulins de PARIS)

Amphithéâtre Buffon


15 rue Hélène Brion, 75013 Paris

About us and Contacts

About IFRIS:


Partners of IFRIS and LabEx Sites:

Contact IFRIS Direction :


Day 1 - Wednesday 6 november 2024

Opening plenary session

Introductive plenary session

"What troubles?"

Two lectures to be delivered by Fred Steward (Westminster Univ.) and Emilia Sanabria (CERMES-3) followed by a debate with the audience

Plenary session: "IFRIS: the making-of"

How IFRIS came to exist and endure ?

by Pierre-Benoit Joly, Rigas Arvanitis and Marc Barbier (successive directors of ifRIS)
Three presentations followed by a round table


Day 2 - Thursday 7 november 2024

Plenary session "Scalability and transitions"

Two introductory lectures by Jean-Paul Gaudillière (INSERM-EHESS, CERMES-3) and Andrew Stirling (Sussex University, SPRU)
followed by a scientific dialogue open to the public.

Thematic parallel sessions

Session      "Bodies"

Session "Digital SHS"

Thematic parallel sessions

Session "Infrastructure"

Session    "Endings"

Special plenary session "Researchers being puzzled by transitions"

A round table introduced by lectures followed by a round table

with Amy Dahan (CNRS), Johan Södeberg (Göteborg Univ.) and Ann Kelly (King's College).


Day 3 - Friday 8 november 2024

Thematic parallel sessions

Session "Participation"


Session     "Roads of the Souths"

Thematic parallel sessions

Session "Pluriverse"

Session "AI Regulations"


Plenary session: “The paradoxes of the institutionalization of STS in France”.

A lecture by Soraya Boudia (Unniv. Paris Cité, CERMES-3) following the publication of the STS Encyclopedia in France

Plenary session "scientific agenda"

Former IFRIS postdocs offer their thoughts on the future of the research field

An open discussion will follow about the future of our reserach domain

Closing session of the colloquium